To maintain the ideal surface roughness of a support roll for the longest possible period Jaeger GmbH developed a special traction coating.
This coating reduces the slip of paper web significantly, because the friction between the paper web and load roller surface is almost doubled. The winding hardness becomes more uniform and significantly better adjustable. Wrinkling is avoided and significantly better operating characteristics of the total pope reel are achieved . This measure can be executed on-site and in-situ.
An aditional positive side effect of a coating with TC 401 are the improved doctoring characteristics of the coated support roll with standard doctor blades prolonging their
life time > 1 week.
The coating´s hard surface is very resistant against wear and tear /corosion. The ideal cylinder crown, achieved with the profile grind before, can be obtained for a long period.
To maintain the ideal surface roughness of a support roll for the longest possible period Jaeger GmbH developed a special traction coating.
This coating reduces the slip of paper web significantly, because the friction between the paper web and load roller surface is almost doubled. The winding hardness becomes more uniform and significantly better adjustable. Wrinkling is avoided and significantly better operating characteristics of the total pope reel are achieved . This measure can be executed on-site and in-situ.
An aditional positive side effect of a coating with TC 401 are the improved doctoring characteristics of the coated support roll with standard doctor blades prolonging their
life time > 1 week.
The coating´s hard surface is very resistant against wear and tear /corosion. The ideal cylinder crown, achieved with the profile grind before, can be obtained for a long period.