Vibration Issues ...

Elimination of vibration problems
in a paper machine


Decreasing product quality and high frequency of paper tear caused by strong longitudinal variations in the drying section of a paper machine in Austria.

Work performed:

  • Analysis of vibrations in the dryer section.
  • Assessment of the measurement and definition of measures.
  • Then, the balancing of drying cylinders  in  installed condition.


Special features:

Conducted vibration measurement yielded a specific statement about the causes (drying cylinders, guide rollers, drive sprockets).
Only the problematic cylinders were balanced and only the affected gears were replaced.
As a result, the cost has been reduced to the minimum, unnecessary requirement of time and costs has been avoided.



The problems have completely been eliminated, the drying section  today runs without any disturbing vibrations.

Vibration Issues ...

Elimination of vibration problems
in a paper machine


Decreasing product quality and high frequency of paper tear caused by strong longitudinal variations in the drying section of a paper machine in Austria.

Work performed:

  • Analysis of vibrations in the dryer section.
  • Assessment of the measurement and definition of measures.
  • Then, the balancing of drying cylinders  in  installed condition.


Special features:

Conducted vibration measurement yielded a specific statement about the causes (drying cylinders, guide rollers, drive sprockets).
Only the problematic cylinders were balanced and only the affected gears were replaced.
As a result, the cost has been reduced to the minimum, unnecessary requirement of time and costs has been avoided.



The problems have completely been eliminated, the drying section  today runs without any disturbing vibrations.