Some facts to give a better idea of the size of our company, our capabilities and spheres of activities.
The numbers represent the status of 2012 and will be updated shortly.
Number of employees | 28 |
Total number of cylinders grinded/polished | > 1000 |
Total number of cylinders coated | > 300 |
Total number of can dryers balanced | > 350 |
Total number of Yankees coated | > 100 |
Upon individual request we will be happy to send you our references, customized to the field of work you are interested in ...
Some facts to give a better idea of the size of our company, our capabilities and spheres of activities.
The numbers represent the status of 2012 and will be updated shortly.
Number of employees | 28 |
Total number of cylinders grinded/polished | > 1000 |
Total number of cylinders coated | > 300 |
Total number of can dryers balanced | > 350 |
Total number of Yankees coated | > 100 |
Upon individual request we will be happy to send you our references, customized to the field of work you are interested in ...