Our customers usually decide after the first consultation, how extensive the works applied by Jaeger GmbH may be in the individual case, to improve the machine´s performance. The project scope may be limited to a single cylinder and a single service action, or it may affect whole groups of rolls, or even include a complete examination of the machine´s state and the subsequent recommendations for an action plan. We have learned that in the end the whole chain of contributing factors has an impact on machine performance and product quality. Of course we would like to apply our experiences in this area – to customer´s benefit. Finally, the trust placed in us should be rewarded with the desired results.
Our existing and future customers in most cases do not only expect an accurate and in-time execution of the contracted works, they also like to benefit from the existing know-how and experiences, collected in many years of intense discussion of the topic. Usually at first step we will have a detailed and careful look at the described problem, do required measurements and then will propose alternative approaches to the solution.
Counseling for us is a natural part of the preparation / planning and that´s the reason why we always will seek the dialogue: to work out an individually suitable package of services together with our customer. ►►
We have listed the descriptions of our offerings separately, specifically in relation to the basic machine type:
PM: board- and papermachines or TM: tissue machines.
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Further on we describe concrete individual projects in the menu point case studies – from problem description to the individual solution by JAEGER GmbH. There you also will find some examples of projects outside the paper industry, later on. ►►
Our customers usually decide after the first consultation, how extensive the works applied by Jaeger GmbH may be in the individual case, to improve the machine´s performance. The project scope may be limited to a single cylinder and a single service action, or it may affect whole groups of rolls, or even include a complete examination of the machine´s state and the subsequent recommendations for an action plan. We have learned that in the end the whole chain of contributing factors has an impact on machine performance and product quality. Of course we would like to apply our experiences in this area – to customer´s benefit. Finally, the trust placed in us should be rewarded with the desired results.
Our existing and future customers in most cases do not only expect an accurate and in-time execution of the contracted works, they also like to benefit from the existing know-how and experiences, collected in many years of intense discussion of the topic. Usually at first step we will have a detailed and careful look at the described problem, do required measurements and then will propose alternative approaches to the solution.
Counseling for us is a natural part of the preparation / planning and that´s the reason why we always will seek the dialogue: to work out an individually suitable package of services together with our customer. ►►
Great parts of our work we carry out on the installed cylinders at customer site. This reduces down time, effort and – as a consequence – the cost.
But in more and more cases our customers also take the opportunity to refine and maintain their cylinders at our company´s location in Bodnegg/Rotheidlen. Whether, because there is replacement available for the machine on site, because costs for unmounting and shipping is less predictable than they are for an inhouse repair, or simply because there are technical possibilities available at our workshop, that could not be provided on customer site.